Homestead Poultry

The Complete Guide to Supplies for Raising Chickens

Ever wonder exactly what it takes to raise chickens? Or maybe you’re wondering what tools and supplies are available to help you raise a backyard flock? The Complete Guide to Supplies for Raising Chickens lists all of the materials you may need to begin and continue your backyard chicken raising adventure! I have broken the supplies down into seven different categories including, raising chicks supplies, adolescent chick supplies, chicken care supplies, first aid kit supplies, seasonal supplies, raising chickens through 4-H supplies, and incubating supplies! Make a list and check it twice to ensure you have the materials you need to raise happy, healthy chickens!

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Raising Chick Supplies

These are the supplies you will need to start raising chicks.

  • Brooder- plastic tub, wood box, kiddie pool (large enough to house the number of chicks you are getting)
  • Chick feeder
  • Chick waterer- bell feeder or water nipples
  • Scrubby- for cleaning the waterer
  • Heat lamp- w/ a red bulb and a guard
  • Extra red bulbs
  • Ecoglow
  • Thermometer
  • Paper towels- litter for the first 4-5 days
  • Large flake pine wood shavings- or litter of choice
  • Chick starter feed
  • Chick grit- if feeding treats to the chicks
  • Feed storage container- galvanized tin, storage box
  • Feed scoop
  • Cleaning shovel and/or kitty litter scoop (useful for cleaning sand)
  • Poop bucket/bag- to put droppings in to be composted
  • Sugar water
  • Probiotics
  • Optional: blocks for raising up the feeder/waterer as the chicks grow

For more information on raising chicks, check out Raising Chicks- Brooder Set Up and Raising Chicks- Expenses.

Adolescent Chick Supplies

These are the supplies you will need as the baby chicks grow older.

  • Larger pen or adolescent coop (large enough to house the number of birds you have)- may need hardwire cloth, screws/staples, etc…
  • Roosts
  • Grower feed
  • Larger feeder*
  • Larger waterer*- water nipples, bell waterer or homemade waterer
  • Cleaning scrubby*
  • Treat bowl*
  • Grit*- may not need if the chickens free-range daily or have access to dirt/sand
  • Grit dispenser*- if you are providing supplemental grit
  • Sand or other litter (large flake wood shavings, straw)
  • Cleaning supplies- kitty litter scoop and/or small shovel, buckets, broom
  • Outside pen or enclosure (large enough for each bird to have plenty of space)

*These are supplies that you will continue to use throughout your chicken raising experience.

Chicken Care Supplies

These are the supplies you will need on a daily basis to care for full-grown chickens.

  • Coop- allow about 2-3 square feet per bird
  • Roosts- allow at least 8-12 inches per bird
  • Droppings board- install below roosts
  • Nesting boxes- 1 for every 5 laying hens
  • Enclosure- allow about 7-8 square feet per bird
  • Cleaning supplies- small shovel, kitty litter scoop, buckets, broom
  • Vinegar- for cleaning
  • Extra feeders and waterers
  • Layer feed or flock maintenance feed
  • Litter- sand, straw, or large flake wood shavings
  • Crushed oyster shells
  • Oyster shell dispenser
  • Oyster shell container/bin- to store the oyster shells in
  • Grit container/bin – to store the grit in
  • Dust bath- loose sand or dirt
  • Optional: wire and carabiners for hanging up feeders and waterers

For information on how to build a proper chicken coop, check out Chicken Coop Building Essentials and Choosing the Right Coop Litter.

First Aid Kit Supplies

These are the supplies you will need to have on hand to deal with sick, injured, or ailing chickens.

  • Quarantine pen- dog crate, box, cage, pen
  • Box/container to keep all of the supplies in
  • Feed and water cups/containers- I use these cups for food and water
  • Cleaning supplies- small shovel, kitty litter scoop
  • Vinegar and/or disinfectant- for cleaning out the quarantine pen
  • Litter- for the quarantine pen, I recommend large flake wood shavings
  • Paper towel
  • Vetericyn or poultry aid
  • Epsom salts
  • Bucket
  • Scissors
  • Vet wrap
  • Gauze pads
  • Gloves
  • Antibiotic cream
  • Syringe
  • Poultry Protector
  • Elector PSP or other parasite control
  • Electrolytes
  • Tapioca flour or corn starch- to stop excess bleeding
  • Nutri-drench
  • Saline eye drops
  • Dropper or pipette- for administering medication
  • Other: blackstrap molasses, Bach Rescue Remedy for Pets, and honey

Seasonal Supplies

These are supplies you will need on a seasonal basis. A lot of the supplies are needed for winter chicken keeping if you live in a northern region.

  • Water heater or heated pet bowl– to keep water unfrozen in the winter
  • Straw- to provide insulation and entertainment during the winter
  • Plastic- to surround the enclosure with for a wind block during the winter
  • Optional: Additional light w/ timer- for when daylight diminishes and the hens need more light in order to keep laying
  • Supplements- supplements vary depending on the season
  • Supplements dispenser
  • Comb salve– to help prevent frostbite during the winter
  • Wormer- natural or commercial for spring and fall (I use the herbal wormer sold by Moon Light Mile Herbs)

For more information on using supplements year round, check out Homemade Chicken Feed Supplements. Also, to learn how to winterize your chicken coop, check out Winterizing The Chicken Coop.

Raising Chickens through 4-H Supplies

These are additional supplies you will need if you are raising your chickens as a 4-H project. Some of these supplies will also be needed if you plan on showing your birds both in 4-H or in other poultry shows.

  • Bathing tub
  • Rinse tub
  • Toothbrush- for scrubbing shanks, feet, and toes
  • Toothpick- for gently removing dirt from around the nostrils and under the toenails
  • A cup- to help swish water over the bird while you bath it
  • Q-tips- for applying baby oil and VetRx
  • Baby oil- for combs, wattles, shanks, and toes
  • VetRx– for combs and wattles
  • Show shampoo
  • Bluing- for white birds
  • Vinegar- put in the rinse tub to help wash out the suds
  • Record book- to keep track of feed records (I use a binder with page protectors)
  • Show feeder and waterer
  • Silk cloth (optional)- to rub the chicken’s feathers with
  • Probiotics
  • Transportation cage- with litter laid down

If you are showing in 4-H you may want to check out Preparing a Show Chicken.

Incubating Supplies

These are the supplies you will need in order to hatch chicks from fertile chicken eggs!

  • Incubator- forced draft or still air
  • Distilled water/bottled water- to fill water reservoirs
  • Sponges (optional)- to help keep humidity up
  • Candler or a flashlight
  • Clean egg carton- for storing eggs as you collect them
  • Thermometer and hydrometer- to monitor temperature and humidity in the incubator (I use this one)
  • Spot check (optional)- by Brinsea
  • Record book
  • Soft lead pencil- to gently mark on the eggs
  • Air cell chart- to compare egg air cells
  • Egg scale- to weight the eggs for monitoring humidity (I use this one)
  • Shelf liner– for safe footing for newly hatched chicks
  • Hand sanitizer- for before and after handing the eggs
  • Pipette (optional)- to add more water to water reservoir

Stay tuned for a step-by-step guide on incubating chicken eggs!

I hope the Complete Guide to Supplies for Raising Chickens has helped you get prepared for raising chickens. Or, if you already raise backyard chickens, I hope this supplies lists has given a good overview and maybe reminded you of some of the supplies that you need to get! Whether you are raising chicks for the first time, plan on showing your chickens, or hope to hatch some eggs, this list will help you be prepared to get started!

If I forgot anything that you think is essential to raising backyard chickens, let me know and I may need to add it to the list!

Also, make sure you are a part of our weekly modern pioneer newsletter community so that you can get weekly tips on raising a homestead flock!

by Alexa


We are graphic designers who love to bake & cook, go crazy about chickens, have a passion for photography, are naturally adventurous, each have our own crafty talent, respect nature, strive to live a sustainable lifestyle, and aren't restricted by our dietary limitations! Our goal is to become modern pioneers! Learn more about us and why we started The Pioneer Chicks on our About page.

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