Posts tagged with: natural tips

natural tips

How to Raise Chickens Naturally on the Homestead

How to Raise Chickens Naturally on the Homesteadby Alexa Lehr | The Pioneer Chicks | Feb. 20, 2025This post may contain affiliate links. See our Disclosure for more information. As a homesteader, we should strive to raise our flocks as naturally as possible. Since homesteading is about sustainability, living off...

Natural Chicken First Aid Kit Supplies Guide

Natural Chicken First Aid Kit Supplies Guideby Alexa Lehr | The Pioneer Chicks | Jan. 21, 2025This post may contain affiliate links. See our Disclosure for more information. The natural homesteader’s chicken first aid kit will look different than the average poultry first aid kit. Instead of synthetic antibiotics, chemical...

Garlic 101: Is Garlic Good for Chickens?

Garlic 101: Is Garlic Good for Chickens?by Alexa Lehr | The Pioneer Chicks | Oct. 29, 2024This post may contain affiliate links. See our Disclosure for more information. If you had to choose only one supplement to give to your chickens, what would it be? I know for me it...

Benefits of Cinnamon for Chickens

Benefits of Cinnamon for Chickensby Alexa Lehr | The Pioneer Chicks | April 2, 2024This post may contain affiliate links. See our Disclosure for more information. Cinnamon may seem like an ordinary spice since it is so widely used in baking, cooking, and flavoring foods. However, this ordinary spice has...

SPECIAL POST: Elder Farms Products for Chickens

SPECIAL POST: Elder Farms Products for Chickensby Alexa Lehr | The Pioneer Chicks | February 6, 2024This post may contain affiliate links. See our Disclosure for more information. Elderberries are a powerful holistic berry that has been used in ancient medicine for centuries. Elderberry supplements should certainly be a staple...

Benefits of Elderberries for Chickens

Benefits of Elderberries for Chickensby Alexa Lehr | The Pioneer Chicks | January 30, 2024This post may contain affiliate links. See our Disclosure for more information. Elderberries are an ancient holistic remedy that were used by the Native Americans to help treat both internal and external health issues. But… did...

What is Grit for Chickens?

What is Grit for Chickens?by Alexa Lehr | The Pioneer Chicks | September 26, 2023This post may contain affiliate links. See our Disclosure for more information. Did you know that chickens eat stones? That’s essentially what chicken grit it. Chicken’s need grit in their diet to aid digestion of other...

Can Chickens Have Cayenne Pepper?

Deciphering between fact and fiction when it comes to using holistic remedies or natural supplements for your homestead flock can be difficult. Cayenne pepper is often touted as a supplement that will help your chickens lay better during the winter and will help prevent frostbite. However, are those benefits true?...

Supplement Dosages for Chickens Guide

Natural supplements are a great way to keep your homestead flock healthy using holistic methods that both heal and nourish your chickens. However, many natural supplements do not come with specific dosages for chickens since little study has been done using natural supplements for small scale-poultry raising. Natural supplements are...

Benefits of Pumpkin for Chickens

Pumpkins are a fall staple on the homestead. Not only for cooking, baking, decorating, and carving… but also for the homestead flock! I love pumpkins, and my homestead flock does too! While I like cooking and baking with pumpkins, the chickens prefer to just chow down into a raw pumpkin....

How to Treat Bumblefoot Naturally

Chickens are on their feet all day. Even when they roost, perch or relax, they are still on their feet! Consequently, foot and toes injuries can occur no matter how many preventatives you implement. Bumblefoot is one such ailment that is caused when an infection develops in the foot pad...

7 Herbs for Baby Chicks on the Homestead

Just like chickens are the gateway animal for raising homestead livestock, I feel like herbs are the gateway plants for homestead gardening. So, it only makes since that chickens and herbs go together! Using herbs for your homestead flock is a great way to help them stay healthy naturally. Herbs...

How to Harvest Homegrown Herbs

Learning how to harvest your own herbs, both for you and your homestead flock, is an essential modern pioneer life skill. It is a simple skill that you can easily learn no matter where you are at in your modern pioneer journey! For natural chicken keepers, harvesting, drying, and storing...

Types of Herbs for the Homestead Flock

If you’ve ever aspired to raise your homestead flock naturally, then I am sure you have contemplated all the variety of useful ways you can use herbs on the homestead for your flock. However, there are several different types of herbs for the homestead flock. Each type of herb has...

Treating Chicken Diseases Naturally

One important aspect of raising a homestead flock naturally is knowing how to care for their injuries and diseases using natural remedies. By treating chicken diseases naturally, you will hopefully not have to resort to using chemicals on your chickens. Although natural treatments may not be the quickest solution to...

8 Beneficial Herbs to Grow for Chickens

Herbs have long been valued for their medicinal and culinary uses for people, but did you know that they are great for your chickens too? I love growing herbs for my chickens, and despite my green thumb not being the best, I still manage to maintain a little herb garden...