Posts tagged with: natural chicken keeping

natural chicken keeping

What to Feed Growing Chickens

What to Feed Growing Chickensby Alexa Lehr | The Pioneer Chicks | March 25, 2025This post may contain affiliate links. See our Disclosure for more information. A chicken’s dietary needs change from the time it is a cute little fluffy chick to when it is fully mature and reaches reproduction...

How to Raise Chickens Naturally on the Homestead

How to Raise Chickens Naturally on the Homesteadby Alexa Lehr | The Pioneer Chicks | Feb. 20, 2025This post may contain affiliate links. See our Disclosure for more information. As a homesteader, we should strive to raise our flocks as naturally as possible. Since homesteading is about sustainability, living off...

A Guide to Abnormal Chicken Eggs

A Guide to Abormal Chicken Eggsby Alexa Lehr | The Pioneer Chicks | Feb. 4, 2025This post may contain affiliate links. See our Disclosure for more information. Chances are if you have raised chickens for any amount of time… you’ve quickly realized that eggs can take on many shapes, sizes,...

Natural Chicken First Aid Kit Supplies Guide

Natural Chicken First Aid Kit Supplies Guideby Alexa Lehr | The Pioneer Chicks | Jan. 21, 2025This post may contain affiliate links. See our Disclosure for more information. The natural homesteader’s chicken first aid kit will look different than the average poultry first aid kit. Instead of synthetic antibiotics, chemical...

Do Chickens Need Heat During the Winter?

Do Chickens Need Heat During the Winter?by Alexa Lehr | The Pioneer Chicks | Jan. 7, 2025This post may contain affiliate links. See our Disclosure for more information. I know… it’s that winter chicken keeping question… again. Do chickens need heat during the winter? The answer to that question is...

How to Care for Chickens During the Holidays

How to Care for Chickens During the Holidaysby Alexa Lehr | The Pioneer Chicks | Dec. 19, 2024This post may contain affiliate links. See our Disclosure for more information. Our homestead livestock need care all year round, there is no ‘Christmas break’ from homestead chores. But, your homestead flock chores...

10 Reasons Why Hens Stop Laying Eggs

10 Reasons Why Hens Stop Laying Eggsby Alexa Lehr | The Pioneer Chicks | Nov. 25, 2024This post may contain affiliate links. See our Disclosure for more information. I expect most of my homestead animals to pay for their keep (although, there are certainly some exceptions!). Is it natural for...

Garlic 101: Is Garlic Good for Chickens?

Garlic 101: Is Garlic Good for Chickens?by Alexa Lehr | The Pioneer Chicks | Oct. 29, 2024This post may contain affiliate links. See our Disclosure for more information. If you had to choose only one supplement to give to your chickens, what would it be? I know for me it...

Benefits of Cinnamon for Chickens

Benefits of Cinnamon for Chickensby Alexa Lehr | The Pioneer Chicks | April 2, 2024This post may contain affiliate links. See our Disclosure for more information. Cinnamon may seem like an ordinary spice since it is so widely used in baking, cooking, and flavoring foods. However, this ordinary spice has...

SPECIAL POST: Elder Farms Products for Chickens

SPECIAL POST: Elder Farms Products for Chickensby Alexa Lehr | The Pioneer Chicks | February 6, 2024This post may contain affiliate links. See our Disclosure for more information. Elderberries are a powerful holistic berry that has been used in ancient medicine for centuries. Elderberry supplements should certainly be a staple...

Benefits of Elderberries for Chickens

Benefits of Elderberries for Chickensby Alexa Lehr | The Pioneer Chicks | January 30, 2024This post may contain affiliate links. See our Disclosure for more information. Elderberries are an ancient holistic remedy that were used by the Native Americans to help treat both internal and external health issues. But… did...

8 Most Cold Hardy Chicken Breeds

8 Most Cold Hardy Chicken Breedsby Alexa Lehr | The Pioneer Chicks | May 2, 2023This post may contain affiliate links. See our Disclosure for more information. You know the saying, “gotta’ have the right tool for the job”. Well it’s the same logic when it comes to choosing chicken...

What is Grit for Chickens?

What is Grit for Chickens?by Alexa Lehr | The Pioneer Chicks | September 26, 2023This post may contain affiliate links. See our Disclosure for more information. Did you know that chickens eat stones? That’s essentially what chicken grit it. Chicken’s need grit in their diet to aid digestion of other...

8 Natural Supplements for Chickens

8 Natural Supplements for Chickensby Alexa Lehr | The Pioneer Chicks | August 15, 2023This post may contain affiliate links. See our Disclosure for more information. Natural supplements can boost flock health, improve production and help prevent against disease and parasites. However, have you ever heard the saying “too much...

When Do Chickens Start Laying Eggs?

When Do Chickens Start Laying Eggs?by Alexa Lehr | The Pioneer Chicks | July 25, 2023This post may contain affiliate links. See our Disclosure for more information. While there are many reasons why you may choose to raise chickens on the homestead, one of the most beneficial additions chickens add...

How to Care for a Sick Baby Chick

How to Care for a Sick Baby Chickby Alexa Lehr | The Pioneer Chicks | May 30, 2023This post may contain affiliate links. See our Disclosure for more information. Chicks are often hardier than we give them credit to be, but they are also small and dependant when they are...

How to Use Herbs for Chickens on the Homestead

How to Use Herbs for Chickens on the Homesteadby Alexa Lehr | The Pioneer Chicks | May 23, 2023This post may contain affiliate links. See our Disclosure for more information. There are right ways and wrong ways to use herbs for chickens on the homestead, but don’t let that scare...

How to Treat Splay Leg in Chicks

Splay leg is a condition that will cause a chick to not be able to stand and walk properly. It is an unhealthy condition that can even lead to death if the splay leg is not addressed quickly. However, splay leg can be fixed in young chicks, and chicks who...

Should Chicks be Fed Medicated Chick Starter Feed?

Should Chicks be Fed Medicated Chick Starter Feed?by Alexa Lehr | The Pioneer Chicks | April 11, 2023This post may contain affiliate links. See our Disclosure for more information. Raising a healthy brood of chicks, naturally, is always the goal on the homestead! When deciding what to feed your brood,...

How to Prevent Coccidiosis in Chicks & Chickens

Coccidiosis is a very common chicken disease that is most prevalent in young chicks and chickens. It is a protozoal disease that destroys the intestinal lining in a chicken’s gut. Acute coccidiosis can lead to death. The coccidia protozoa are found nearly everywhere there are chickens present. It naturally exists...