Posts tagged with: homestead poultry

homestead poultry

8 Beneficial Herbs to Grow for Chickens

Herbs have long been valued for their medicinal and culinary uses for people, but did you know that they are great for your chickens too? I love growing herbs for my chickens, and despite my green thumb not being the best, I still manage to maintain a little herb garden...

How to Tell if a Chick is Healthy

Those cute little fluff balls are hard not to obsess over, but over the years I have come to realize that chicks are not as fragile as I first though they were. Proper breeding, care, management, and diet do play a role in how hardy chicks are, however, when all...

Regional Chicken Keeping Considerations

Chickens are such adaptable creatures. However, caring for chickens can vary depending on your regional zone. Weather patterns, different seasons, and availability of resources can all have an effect on how you care for your homestead flock. Care practices that work for one flock may not be the best for...

Caring for a Sick Chicken- the basics

Caring for a sick chicken is difficult and challenging, there’s no way around it. Chickens are prey animals, so they try to act tough under all circumstances to prevent showing their weaknesses. Being able to recognize a sick chicken as soon as possible and learning how to diagnose poultry ailments...

8 Winter Chicken Keeping Tips

Winter chicken keeping is not as challenging as it sounds. Once you get the cold weather logistics figured out, caring for your flock during the winter should be pretty similar to other times of the year, with just a few management changes. The cold weather’s main affect on poultry is...

How to Pick Out Chicken Treats

Like any good pet owner, I enjoy browsing the farm store isles looking for goodies for my chickens. Since I’ve been striving to become more sustainable and self-sufficient, I have started looking for ways to make my own chicken treats, but occasionally I still like to buy them a ‘store-bought’...