Posts tagged with: healthy chickens

healthy chickens

How Vinegar Affects Chickens

You may have heard about putting apple cider vinegar in your flock’s water to improve their health. However, before you go about adding this natural supplement into your flock’s diet, you must first learn how it affects their health. Vinegar can be both a help and a hindrance to the...

Natural Wormers for Chickens

While there are homeopathic and herbal concoctions made specifically for treating internal parasites in chickens, I like to try and source supplements from around the homestead for treating my flock’s health ailments. There are many natural supplements and herbs which contain anti-parasitic properties helpful for both preventing and treating internal...

How to Do Chicken First Aid

Are you poultry first aid certified? Me neither, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t know how to treat basic injuries and ailments that appear in your homestead flock. Chickens are notorious for getting suddenly injured or mysteriously becoming ill. Knowing a few poultry first aid tips will help you deal...

How to Prevent Worms in Chickens Naturally

Knowing how to treat worms in chickens naturally is essential for raising a homestead flock. Especially if you live in regions that provide optimal worm habitat. However, knowing how to prevent worms in chickens naturally is even more important. Preventing internal parasites is the key to keeping them from becoming...

Does my Chicken Have Worms?

Internal parasites, specifically worms, are one of those ever present but rarely seen menaces that can wreak havoc if not managed properly. If one or more of your flock members starts ailing, you may want to ask, does my chicken have worms? Worms are a fairly common internal parasite that...

Balancing Protein in a Flock’s Diet

Protein is needed for a chicken to survive. It is required for nearly all the body functions to work properly. Balancing protein in a flock’s diet is important because many factors play a role in the protein needs of individual chickens. The standard protein content in commercial chicken feeds may...

How to Feed Chickens Naturally

Food is the fuel source for your flock. What they eat will determine their health and productivity. When it comes to feeding your homestead flock, learning how to feed chickens naturally is essential for ensuring they get the nutrition they need on a daily basis. Surprisingly, there are several different...

Emergency Care for Molting Chickens

Supposably the annual fall molt should go smoothly and without issue, but if you have raised chickens for any length of time, you will know that they love to keep life interesting! Knowing when to step in and administer emergency care to molting chickens is essential for when your flock...

How to Raise Homestead Chickens

I often get caught up in the what, whys, and how’s of raising homestead chickens, but then I remind myself, don’t let raising a homestead flock become overwhelming, confusing, or daunting. When you stick to the basics, learning how to raise homestead chickens becomes fun, enjoyable, and rewarding! There are...

Protein Sources for Chickens

Protein is an important part of a chicken’s diet because it provides the building blocks for skin, muscles, and bones plus it helps the body fight off diseases. As homestead chicken raisers, we should be aware of the different protein sources we have available to offer our flocks. Each source...

8 Ways a Chicken Stays Cool

Chickens are very sensitive to high temperatures, much more so than cooler temperatures. While winter chicken keeping does pose its challenges, summer chicken keeping also presents a whole new set of issues. Chickens have a normal body temperature around 105-107 degrees F, so keeping them cool in hot weather is...

5 Bad Summer Foods for Chickens

We all want to keep our homestead flock healthy and cool during the summer months! Monitoring your flock’s diet during the summer is essential to helping them handle the heat. It will also help them stay healthy during the summer months. These 5 bad summer foods for chickens are ones...

9 Summer Treats for Chickens- Beat the Heat

Chickens can handle cool weather way better than warm weather. High temperatures can cause a drop in laying or cause the hens to lay soft eggs. Chickens can also suffer from heat exhaustion and heat stroke very rapidly in hot weather. There are several ways you can help your flock beat...

Types of Herbs for the Homestead Flock

If you’ve ever aspired to raise your homestead flock naturally, then I am sure you have contemplated all the variety of useful ways you can use herbs on the homestead for your flock. However, there are several different types of herbs for the homestead flock. Each type of herb has...

Chicken Coop Cleaning Essentials

A clean chicken coop is essential to raising healthy backyard chickens. As any chicken keeper may tell you, keeping the chicken coop looking brand new is nearly impossible! However, there are ways you can keep your coop clean. No more smelly coops, no more dirty coops, and no more sick...

5 Coop Litter Dangers to Prevent

No homestead chicken raiser likes to think that the litter they have in the chicken coop can actually be harmful to the their flock. However, no matter what coop litter you choose there is always a health hazard that needs to be addressed. Coop litter dangers can pose a threat...

Treating Chicken Diseases Naturally

One important aspect of raising a homestead flock naturally is knowing how to care for their injuries and diseases using natural remedies. By treating chicken diseases naturally, you will hopefully not have to resort to using chemicals on your chickens. Although natural treatments may not be the quickest solution to...

How to Use Chicken Feed Supplements

Supplements are important in a chicken’s diet too! While choosing the right homestead poultry feed goes a long way in promoting health in your flock, adding supplements to your flock’s diet can increase longevity, productivity, and overall health. However, you must learn how to use chicken feed supplements properly in...