Posts tagged with: fresh eggs

fresh eggs

A Guide to Abnormal Chicken Eggs

A Guide to Abormal Chicken Eggsby Alexa Lehr | The Pioneer Chicks | Feb. 4, 2025This post may contain affiliate links. See our Disclosure for more information. Chances are if you have raised chickens for any amount of time… you’ve quickly realized that eggs can take on many shapes, sizes,...

50 Healthy Ways to Eat Eggs (w/ Recipe Ideas)

50 Healthy Ways to Eat Eggsgluten-free | grain-free | dairy-free | tree nut free | sugar freeby Alexa Lehr | The Pioneer Chicks | April 11, 2024This post may contain affiliate links. See our Disclosure for more information. Eggs are a wonderful homestead food that are often in abundance during...

When Do Chickens Start Laying Eggs?

When Do Chickens Start Laying Eggs?by Alexa Lehr | The Pioneer Chicks | July 25, 2023This post may contain affiliate links. See our Disclosure for more information. While there are many reasons why you may choose to raise chickens on the homestead, one of the most beneficial additions chickens add...

3 Reasons Why Hens Stop Laying During the Winter

Many foods that we raise and grow on the homestead are considered seasonal crops, meaning they can only be grown during a certain season of the year. A lot of times we forget that eggs are actually a seasonal food too. Birds of any species naturally don’t lay eggs every...

How to Check the Freshness of an Egg

Collecting farm fresh eggs from the flock is one of the many reasons why I keep a homestead flock. While I don’t usually have to worry about wondering how fresh an egg is since we go through eggs pretty fast on our homestead, it still helps to have a few...