Posts tagged with: chicken management

chicken management

The Chicken Keeper’s Survival List

What does raising a homestead flock entail? Find out what skills and knowledge you need to have in order to succesfully raise homestead chickens! Welcome to the chicken keeper’s survival list! The Chicken Keeper’s Survival List is a compilation of tasks that you will need to know how to do...

How to Raise Homestead Chickens

I often get caught up in the what, whys, and how’s of raising homestead chickens, but then I remind myself, don’t let raising a homestead flock become overwhelming, confusing, or daunting. When you stick to the basics, learning how to raise homestead chickens becomes fun, enjoyable, and rewarding! There are...

Cleaning the Chicken Coop Enclosure

Cleaning the chicken coop is emphasized a lot for raising a happy, healthy flock of backyard chickens, but cleaning the chicken coop enclosure is just as important. No matter how big or small your chicken coop enclosure is, giving it a brief touch up every once in a while can...

How to Manage Multiple Roosters

Whether you’ve hatched out your own chicks using a broody hen or an incubator, or bought straight-run chicks, or even ordered ‘pullets’ from a hatchery, at some point in your chicken raising experience you may find you have one too many roosters than you were planning on keeping. Of course,...

Integrating New Chickens into a Flock

Chickens form a dynamic flock that is run by their own set of rules and codes. Each bird has a place in the flock and knows its limits. When a flock’s dynamics are interrupted, havoc can break out! Knowing how to properly introduce new birds into your flock can prevent...

How to Manage Growing Chickens

You may have a good start on knowing how to raise baby chicks, and you probably already have a plan for when those chicks are mature, but what about while they are growing? Learning how to manage growing chickens is important for the health and well being of your future...