chicken keeping hacks

How to Raise Homestead Chickens

I often get caught up in the what, whys, and how's of raising homestead chickens, but then I remind myself,…

4 years ago

5 Reasons to Get an Automatic Chicken Door

Homesteaders have been using old school chicken coop doors for years and years. However, there is now a new option…

4 years ago

Cleaning the Chicken Coop Enclosure

Cleaning the chicken coop is emphasized a lot for raising a happy, healthy flock of backyard chickens, but cleaning the…

4 years ago

How to Manage Multiple Roosters

Whether you've hatched out your own chicks using a broody hen or an incubator, or bought straight-run chicks, or even…

4 years ago

8 Ways a Chicken Stays Cool

Chickens are very sensitive to high temperatures, much more so than cooler temperatures. While winter chicken keeping does pose its…

4 years ago

Integrating New Chickens into a Flock

Chickens form a dynamic flock that is run by their own set of rules and codes. Each bird has a…

4 years ago

Chicken Coop Cleaning Essentials

A clean chicken coop is essential to raising healthy backyard chickens. As any chicken keeper may tell you, keeping the…

4 years ago

How to Sex Chicks and Chickens

It's the dilemma that every homesteader will face at some point in their chicken raising experience... how to tell if…

4 years ago

How to Manage Growing Chickens

You may have a good start on knowing how to raise baby chicks, and you probably already have a plan…

4 years ago

6 Tips for Finding Chicken Sitters

One of the biggest challenges with homesteading is finding someone to care for your animals when you have to be…

4 years ago

Chicken Coop Building Essentials

Before you even get chicks, you should be planning out your chicken coop! It gives your flock a safe, dry,…

4 years ago