Posts tagged with: chicken coop

chicken coop

How to Get Rid of Mice in the Chicken Coop

Your homestead flock may not be the only ones who think their coop is a safe, warm place to live. Other animals, especially those in the rodent family, may also see the chicken coop as a protected place to build a nest with an ample supply of food nearby. Mice...

Natural Products for Chickens on the Homestead

While I like to source most of my natural remedies right from my homestead, I am also not against supporting certain all-natural products! With raising homestead chickens on the rise, numerous large companys and small brands have come out with natural products that you can use on pets and poultry....

Do Hens Need Supplemental Light?

Providing supplemental lighting in the coop can be somewhat of a debate in the chicken world. Supplemental lighting can be provided during the winter to trigger a hen’s laying cycle. But, do hens need supplemental light? Does making them lay more often shorten their lifespan? How do I go about...

What Ate my Chicken?- Common Poultry Predators

It seems like every predator is willing to put chicken on its menu, which is very unfortunate for homestead chicken keepers. It doesn’t matter if you live in a densely wooded area or an urban suburb, poultry predators are everywhere! Having poultry predator awareness and knowing of the common poultry...

The Chicken Keeper’s Survival List

What does raising a homestead flock entail? Find out what skills and knowledge you need to have in order to succesfully raise homestead chickens! Welcome to the chicken keeper’s survival list! The Chicken Keeper’s Survival List is a compilation of tasks that you will need to know how to do...

5 Reasons to Get an Automatic Chicken Door

Homesteaders have been using old school chicken coop doors for years and years. However, there is now a new option on the market for modern pioneers and homesteaders: the automatic chicken door. After investing in an automatic chicken coop door for my first chicken coop, I knew when I built...

Cleaning the Chicken Coop Enclosure

Cleaning the chicken coop is emphasized a lot for raising a happy, healthy flock of backyard chickens, but cleaning the chicken coop enclosure is just as important. No matter how big or small your chicken coop enclosure is, giving it a brief touch up every once in a while can...

Chicken Coop Cleaning Essentials

A clean chicken coop is essential to raising healthy backyard chickens. As any chicken keeper may tell you, keeping the chicken coop looking brand new is nearly impossible! However, there are ways you can keep your coop clean. No more smelly coops, no more dirty coops, and no more sick...

5 Coop Litter Dangers to Prevent

No homestead chicken raiser likes to think that the litter they have in the chicken coop can actually be harmful to the their flock. However, no matter what coop litter you choose there is always a health hazard that needs to be addressed. Coop litter dangers can pose a threat...

Chicken Coop Building Essentials

Before you even get chicks, you should be planning out your chicken coop! It gives your flock a safe, dry, and clean area to sleep, eat, and get away from inclement weather. A chicken coop needs to have a few key elements in order for it to be functional and...

Regional Chicken Keeping Considerations

Chickens are such adaptable creatures. However, caring for chickens can vary depending on your regional zone. Weather patterns, different seasons, and availability of resources can all have an effect on how you care for your homestead flock. Care practices that work for one flock may not be the best for...

The Complete Guide to Supplies for Raising Chickens

Ever wonder exactly what it takes to raise chickens? Or maybe you’re wondering what tools and supplies are available to help you raise a backyard flock? The Complete Guide to Supplies for Raising Chickens lists all of the materials you may need to begin and continue your backyard chicken raising...

Should My Coop Have Electricity?

How fancy is your coop? Or maybe a more practical question for homestead chicken raisers is, how fancy does my coop need to be? There is a difference between frivolous and functional when it comes to amenities in the coop. With winter almost here, it’s time to think about how...

9 DIY Projects for the Chicken Coop

Raising chickens on the homestead means using what resources and materials you have available to keep your flock happy, healthy, and safe. These 9 diy projects for the chicken coop are functional items you can make for the coop. Not only do these projects help spruce up the coop, but...