Posts tagged with: chick care

chick care

What NOT to Include in the Brooder

What NOT to Include in the Brooderby Alexa Lehr | The Pioneer Chicks | March 18, 2025This post may contain affiliate links. See our Disclosure for more information. The brooder provides a chick’s three basic survival needs: heat, food, and water. Knowing how to properly set up the brooder is...

10 Helpful Facts for Raising Chicks on the Homestead

10 Helpful Facts for Raising Chicks on the Homesteadby Alexa Lehr | The Pioneer Chicks | March 12, 2024This post may contain affiliate links. See our Disclosure for more information. Whether it’s your first time brooding chicks on the homestead or not… there’s always new tips and tricks to learn...

How to Set up a Brooder for Chicks

When a mama hen can’t be used to raise your chicks, that means you are responsible for providing them with a safe and protected area in which to grow for the first few weeks of their life. A brooder can provide the perfect oasis if it is set up in...

Heat Lamp vs Ecoglow (radiant heater) for Chicks

An external heat source is critical for raising young chicks since they can’t control their own body temperature for the first few days of their life. Their fluffy down feathers do not help trap body heat which makes it difficult for chicks to maintain a stable body temperature on their...

Are You Ready for Raising Chickens?

Chickens are often considered the gateway animal to homesteading. However, just because they are one of the smallest livestock animals to start raising doesn’t mean they are the easiest! Your modern pioneer journey can start even without any livestock animals, but maybe this year you are considering adding a flock...

Raising Chickens Book Reviews for Homesteaders

I love diving into a new poultry book and seeing what helpful nuggets I can dig out to apply to my homestead flock. Reading about other chicken keepers’ experiences and learning the general facts about poultry will help you raise your homestead flock better. I have acquired many different chicken...

How to Wean Chicks Off Heat

Chicks need supplemental heat to stay warm, healthy, and to mature into strong adults. Supplemental heat is most crucial for the first 4 weeks of a chick’s life. However, the supplemental heat will need to be weaned off starting at 1 week of age. Once the chicks are old enough,...

How to Treat Pasty Butt in Baby Chicks

Once you start raising chicks, pasty butt becomes a part of everyday lingo. And yes, pasty butt is just as gross as it sounds. Knowing how to identify, and most importantly, how to treat pasty butt in baby chicks is essential to raising a healthy brood. However, you should also...

6 Tips for Buying Chicks- Homestead Edition

Spring on the homestead often leads to a major case of chick fever! Whether you are looking to start your first homestead flock or wanting to add to your existing homestead flock, there are some things to consider before getting chicks this spring for the homestead! These 6 tips for...

How to Sex Chicks and Chickens

It’s the dilemma that every homesteader will face at some point in their chicken raising experience… how to tell if a chick is a pullet or a cockerel? Knowing how to sex chicks and chickens is a helpful skill to have on the homestead. Being able to tell male chicks...

How to Care for a Broody Hen

I have incubated hatching eggs using both an incubator and a broody hen. Starting off using an incubator to hatch eggs made me realized just how much easier it is to let a mother hen hatch eggs! Honestly, I thought caring for a broody hen while she is incubating eggs...

How to Tell if a Chick is Healthy

Those cute little fluff balls are hard not to obsess over, but over the years I have come to realize that chicks are not as fragile as I first though they were. Proper breeding, care, management, and diet do play a role in how hardy chicks are, however, when all...