
Birding on Florida’s Gulf Coast

My recent visit to Florida’s Gulf Coast introduced me to loads of new birds! I took tons of pictures and tediously tried to identify each bird I saw! It was so much fun and now I would like to share my findings with you! Northern Mockingbird: I saw lots of...

Chicken Curry with Cauliflower and Sweet Potatoes

This past weekend I made my family this wonderful chicken curry dish. It was very delicious and fairly easy to put together. This recipe makes a LOT. In fact, while making it I had to use two big cast-iron skillets to fit all the ingredients. It makes good leftovers though,...

Hitan- the cockerelette

My Svart Hona pullet, Hitan is a very unique chicken. And I don’t just say that because she is completely black, inside and out. She has her very own quirks and perks that make her special....

Meet the Flock cont…

After last weeks over view of our Texas vacation it is time to introduce you to a few more of the residents at the coop. Arrow is an Ameraucana hen who thinks that she is the princess of the coop. She is picky about what she eats and doesn’t like...

Meet the Flock!

After a brief introduction about us in the last post, it’s time to meet the flock! This is Flint, a Buff Orpington hen. She is the detective of the coop and her role model is Gertrude McCluck from the Backyard Poultry magazines. Amigo, a Black Sex Link hen is the...