
Grain-free Breaded Perch Fillets

Fish is one of my favorite meals to both eat and make! Not only do I like to eat fish, but I also like fishing for fish! Eating fish can provide you with some great health benefits and it tastes delicious. One of my favorite types of fish to eat is...

Chick Feeding Guide- What to Feed Baby Chicks

Raising a healthy homestead brood means knowing what to feed chicks as they grow and mature. Chicks can eat just about any food from a very young age, however, it’s important that we monitor what foods they eat, how much they eat of any given food, and how frequently we...

Gluten-free Coffee Cake

I love a good coffee cake. In my opinion, coffee cake goes with just about anything, not just coffee. A hot cup of tea…. a warm bowl of homemade soup…. some fresh eggs fried over easy with some bacon…. yup, it all sounds good to me when paired with this...

How to Make Fermented Chicken Feed

Learning how to make fermented chicken feed is a great cost effective, nutritious, and easy way to feed your homestead flock! Fermented chicken feed helps you get the most out of your feed bags while still providing nutritious food for your chickens. My flock loves their fermented feed and I...

Gluten-free Tamale Pie (grain-free)

Gluten-free tamale pie has all the bold flavors of a delicious, warm chili mixed with soft, flavorful cornbread! I had never heard of this pie until I was looking for new meal pies to try. As soon as I saw what was in a tamale pie, I knew I had...

How to Treat Pasty Butt in Baby Chicks

Once you start raising chicks, pasty butt becomes a part of everyday lingo. And yes, pasty butt is just as gross as it sounds. Knowing how to identify, and most importantly, how to treat pasty butt in baby chicks is essential to raising a healthy brood. However, you should also...