
Are You Ready for Raising Chickens?

Chickens are often considered the gateway animal to homesteading. However, just because they are one of the smallest livestock animals to start raising doesn’t mean they are the easiest! Your modern pioneer journey can start even without any livestock animals, but maybe this year you are considering adding a flock...

Grain-free Cinnamon Rolls (gluten-free)

Merry Christmas modern pioneers! Christmas is no doubt my favorite time of year. I love all the family traditions, all the Christmas cheer, the spirit of giving, all the holiday activities, and of course, the true meaning of Christmas is certainly not forgotten on my homestead! One of my family’s...

Can Chickens be in the Snow?

For northern homesteaders, the winter months can often bring that fluffy white stuff that you either love or you hate. As for your homestead flock, they probably have a low tolerance for snow. Snow not only brings a new element to caring for your flock during the winter, but it...

Grain-free Gingerbread Cookies (gluten-free)

These grain-free gingerbread cookies are the perfect traditional holiday cookie! I was not a big fan of gingerbread cookies, that is, until I had these cookies. I love making Christmas cookies, so I wanted to create a gingerbread cookie that was delicious and that I would enjoy this Christmas season....

How to Help Chickens Deal with Cold Stress

Cold stress is an often overlooked condition that is nearly unavoidable for most northern homestead flocks. Learning how to help chickens deal with cold stress will keep them healthier and productive through the winter months. Cold stress can cause illness and even death, so it is important to make sure...

Gluten-free Cinnamon Raisin Baked French Toast

French toast fresh out of the skillet, topped with a slab of soft butter and a drizzle of real maple syrup is certainly a great way to start the day on the homestead. However, when the chores start stacking up combined with other daily obligations, you might just not have...