After last weeks over view of our Texas vacation it is time to introduce you to a few more of the residents at the coop.

Arrow- Americauna

Arrow- Ameraucana

Arrow is an Ameraucana hen who thinks that she is the princess of the coop. She is picky about what she eats and doesn’t like when her muffs (feathers on the side of the head) or her beard (feathers below beak) get dirty. Arrow has always wanted a hot tub installed in the coop and her own personal room added on as an extension.

Dinky- Silver Leghorn

Dinky- Silver Leghorn

Dinky is a Silver Leghorn cockerel (young rooster). He is very friendly and loves to cuddle. He has a hard time keeping Red and the rest of the Silver Leghorn pullets under control. Sometimes he will get into crowing contests with the 3 other roosters.

Hope Jr- Patridge Rock

Hope Jr- Patridge Rock

Hope Jr. is a Patridge Plymouth Rock pullet. She is Hope’s side kick. Her favorite time of the day is when she gets a lesson from Hope (sometimes it’s about table manners, other times it’s about how to use stairs). She loves to accompany Hope when it’s raining out to dig holes in the enclosure (just incase it starts to flood, the holes will fill with water, thus saving the coop).

Bumblebee- Buff Orpington

Bumblebee- Buff Orpington

Bumblebee is a Buff Orpington hen. She is very particular about her feathers and likes to keep them nice looking all the time. She has always wanted her nails painted, and just like Arrow, would also like a hot tub. Her best friend was Honeycrisp, another Buff Orpington.

Billie- Ameraucana

Billie- Ameraucana

Billie is an Ameraucana hen and is the oldest hen in the coop, 5 years old! She is very weird and does not like her picture being taken. She belongs to our neighbor and has been well loved.

Vanilla- White Crested Black Polish

Vanilla- White Crested Black Polish

Vanilla is a White Crested Black Polish cockerel that was thrown in as an extra in this years batch of chicks. He is by far the weirdest kid in the coop. Half of his crest feathers are missing from when he was chick and they were pecked off. I think he may have had a minor brain concussion that caused his weirdness. He has a crush on the one of the Patridge Plymouth Rock hens who wants nothing to do with him.

You now know 6 more flock members and have a pretty good idea of the diversity of personalities in the coop. In future posts I hope to introduce you to the remaining members of the flock!

By Alexa