Posts filed under: raising chicks

raising chicks

How to Care for a Broody Hen

I have incubated hatching eggs using both an incubator and a broody hen. Starting off using an incubator to hatch eggs made me realized just how much easier it is to let a mother hen hatch eggs! Honestly, I thought caring for a broody hen while she is incubating eggs...

How to Tell if a Chick is Healthy

Those cute little fluff balls are hard not to obsess over, but over the years I have come to realize that chicks are not as fragile as I first though they were. Proper breeding, care, management, and diet do play a role in how hardy chicks are, however, when all...

How to Tell if a Hen Will Hatch Eggs

There’s nothing more exciting on the homestead than watching a mother animal do her thing and raise her babies! As much as we love to get our hands into the mix and do the raising ourselves, it’s always so much more fun, a whole lot less work, and so less...

The Complete Guide to Supplies for Raising Chickens

Ever wonder exactly what it takes to raise chickens? Or maybe you’re wondering what tools and supplies are available to help you raise a backyard flock? The Complete Guide to Supplies for Raising Chickens lists all of the materials you may need to begin and continue your backyard chicken raising...