Posts filed under: health and diet

health and diet

What to Feed Growing Chickens

What to Feed Growing Chickensby Alexa Lehr | The Pioneer Chicks | March 25, 2025This post may contain affiliate links. See our Disclosure for more information. A chicken’s dietary needs change from the time it is a cute little fluffy chick to when it is fully mature and reaches reproduction...

Chicken First Aid Kit Supplies Guide

Chicken First Aid Kit Supplies Guideby Alexa Lehr | The Pioneer Chicks | Mar. 4, 2025This post may contain affiliate links. See our Disclosure for more information. Having a basic chicken first aid kit on hand can help you address issues in your homestead flock quickly and effectively. A well-stocked...

Chicken Red Mites: Diagnosis, Treatment, & Prevention

Chicken Red Mites: Diagnosis, Treatment, & Preventionby Alexa Lehr | The Pioneer Chicks | October 1, 2024This post may contain affiliate links. See our Disclosure for more information. External parasites are never fun to deal with in the homestead flock. However, red mites are especially annoying since they can live...

How to Treat Northern Fowl Mites on Chickens

How to Treat Northern Fowl Mites on Chickensby Alexa Lehr | The Pioneer Chicks | Oct. 1, 2024This post may contain affiliate links. See our Disclosure for more information. Northern fowl mites are the dreaded chicken parasite of northern homesteaders. They live on a chicken’s warm body and don’t seem...

How to Prevent Disease & Death in Chickens

How to Prevent Disease & Death in Chickensby Alexa Lehr | The Pioneer Chicks | Sept. 3, 2024This post may contain affiliate links. See our Disclosure for more information. Preventing disease & death in the homestead flock is my number one priority every year! It seems like everything I do...

What is Avian Influenza & How to Prevent It

What is Avian Influenza & How to Prevent Itby Alexa Lehr | The Pioneer Chicks | July 23, 2024This post may contain affiliate links. See our Disclosure for more information. The bird flu…. the news makes it sound rather scary, but a better understanding of this avian virus will help...

How To Do A Chicken Health Check

How To Do A Chicken Health Checkby Alexa Lehr | The Pioneer Chicks | May 28, 2024This post may contain affiliate links. See our Disclosure for more information. Chickens have a way of getting sick very suddenly. However, it’s probably not that they get sick very suddenly, it’s often they...

How to Choose the Best Type of Chicken Feed

How to Choose the Best Type of Chicken Feedby Alexa Lehr | The Pioneer Chicks | February 20, 2024This post may contain affiliate links. See our Disclosure for more information. Picking out a homestead poultry feed is probably one of the first things you should consider when you plan on...

What is Cold Stress in Poultry?

What is Cold Stress in Poultry?by Alexa Lehr | The Pioneer Chicks | January 2, 2024This post may contain affiliate links. See our Disclosure for more information. What is cold stress in poultry? Cold stress is the response a chicken’s body has to staying warm in cold weather. It is...

How to Prevent Marek’s Disease in Chickens

How to Prevent Marek’s Disease in Chickensby Alexa Lehr | The Pioneer Chicks | November 21, 2023This post may contain affiliate links. See our Disclosure for more information. Marek’s disease is a prevalent virus that commonly infects young and growing chicks but can also infect mature birds as well. This...

Feeding Chickens a Homestead Diet: Grain, Treats, & Supplements

Feeding Chickens a Homestead Diet: Grain, Treats, & Supplementsby Alexa Lehr | The Pioneer Chicks | November 7, 2023This post may contain affiliate links. See our Disclosure for more information. Feeding chickens a homestead diet is a great way to raise your flock in a sustainable and frugal way! Each...

What is Marek’s Disease in Chickens?

What is Marek’s Disease in Chickens?by Alexa Lehr | The Pioneer Chicks | October 24, 2023This post may contain affiliate links. See our Disclosure for more information. Marek’s disease a common but little known poultry disease. It can take on many shapes and forms, so it is often a confusing...

Chicken Poop Problems: The Scoop on Poop

Chicken Poop Problems: The Scoop on Poopby Alexa Lehr | The Pioneer Chicks | October 10, 2023This post may contain affiliate links. See our Disclosure for more information. Yup, it’s a gross topic, but it is helpful to discuss chicken poop problems that you might encounter in the homestead flock....

What is Grit for Chickens?

What is Grit for Chickens?by Alexa Lehr | The Pioneer Chicks | September 26, 2023This post may contain affiliate links. See our Disclosure for more information. Did you know that chickens eat stones? That’s essentially what chicken grit it. Chicken’s need grit in their diet to aid digestion of other...

The Importance of Calcium for Laying Hens

The Importance of Calcium for Laying Hensby Alexa Lehr | The Pioneer Chicks | September 12, 2023This post may contain affiliate links. See our Disclosure for more information. The homestead flock needs to have a balanced and nutritious diet in order to stay healthy and productive. One of the most...

Should Chicks be Fed Medicated Chick Starter Feed?

Should Chicks be Fed Medicated Chick Starter Feed?by Alexa Lehr | The Pioneer Chicks | April 11, 2023This post may contain affiliate links. See our Disclosure for more information. Raising a healthy brood of chicks, naturally, is always the goal on the homestead! When deciding what to feed your brood,...

How to Prevent Coccidiosis in Chicks & Chickens

Coccidiosis is a very common chicken disease that is most prevalent in young chicks and chickens. It is a protozoal disease that destroys the intestinal lining in a chicken’s gut. Acute coccidiosis can lead to death. The coccidia protozoa are found nearly everywhere there are chickens present. It naturally exists...

The Ultimate Guide to Frostbite on Chickens

One of the biggest flock health issues northern homesteaders face is frostbite. Frostbite occurs when the flesh freezes and prevents blood flow from reaching the frozen appendages. Frostbite can happen suddenly and if not treated quickly, it can get infected and cause fatal health issues. It is thought that even...

What is Coccidiosis in Chicks & Chickens?

What is coccidiosis? Coccidiosis is one of the most common chicken ailments to affect young chicks. Coccidiosis is a protozoal disease that destroys the intestinal lining, causing malnutrition and sometimes unrepairable damage to the instestines. Since coccidiosis is so common, it is one of the biggest health concerns when raising...

Feeding Chickens for Free- Is it Safe?

What’s your biggest on-going chicken keeping expense? If I could hazard a guess, I would say it’s buying feed for your homestead flock. Many homesteaders grab at the chance to feed their flock free food. In fact, there are now many suggestions and ideas for how you can feed your...